The Apple Grower

The Apple Grower

by Michael Phillips
Chelsea Green Publishing
Paperback, 330 pages - 2nd Edition
ISBN: 1-931498-91-1
Item: #1026

Apples represent "organic's final frontier" for many backyard and commercial growers. Yet despite the challenges, it is possible to grow healthy, flavorful apples with little or no need for synthetic chemicals. In The Apple Grower, author and organic orchardist Michael Phillips combines the forgotten wisdom of our great-grandparents with the best research and techniques available today. Having an orchard and using a scythe go hand-in-hand. The areas under the apple tree are best mown with a scythe, whether with a grass or ditch blade. Along with the bountiful information in The Apple Grower, Phillips, as well as Scythe Supply, recommends a scythe for orchard maintenance.

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